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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


My friends and I recently visited the Fort Worth Nature Center. We walked along the lake edge and found many signs for alligator warnings. We visited the Nature Centers offices and asked about some history of the Alligators. We got confirmation from the Nature Center offices that they in fact do have Alligators in the lake. In conclusion Lake Worth is only dangerous during calm warm seasons when the northern marsh becomes a bit too dry for alligators to swim in. They will swim south of the lake toward the residential areas. While in search of warm calm water. Alligators also may head south to lay eggs on a shore further away from other alligators.

Martinez. Lillipads on the lake. 10/16/12. Fort Worth Nature Center.

Monday, October 22, 2012


The City of Fort Worth has a web page describing how the alligators actually got into the lake. They have actually been here for over forty years. On the northern end of Lake Worth, the city of Fort Worth has a nature center that is recognized as a national park. in this national park we have original wildlife from texas, alligators included. The reason alligators come into the lower south end of the lake is due to changing wind and current directions. Alligators like calm warm waters, during windy days they may migrate south temporarely.

The park has 18 tagged( tracked) alligators, but there is an estimated 25 in the sanctuary.

Martinez. Swamp Mud. 10/16/12. Fort Worth National Park

Martinez. Swamp Grass. 10/16/12. Fort Worth National Park


"History." Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge. n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

"Water." Alligator Awareness. n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.


In recent news from WFAA, a man by the tough name of Keyon Ivory was fishing near the reservoir with his best friend Patrick. Patrick spotted a log. Well, he assummed it was a log; howerver, it was an alligator. It began to move toward the boat. In shock, Patrick pulled out his personal pistol and shot the alligator. Soon after they called 911 and reported that they had shot an alligator.

Cases like these are reviewed by a Game Warden. Although Patrick claimed that the shooting was self defense, the game warden investigated. He concluded that it was not self defense and prosecuted both men for illegal hunting of a protected species. They were fined $5,300.

While investigating we stumbled upon signs warning of Alligators being spotted. Recent sightings of a nine foot alligator have sparked the Lake Worth Boat Club to take action and hang up signs warning potential swimmers of the danger.  Alligator sightings have people in Lake Worth on watch.

A alligator was recently snared and relocated to greer island. although it may be a different alligator. Fort worth official John Navarro says, "As long as we do leave them alone, we're not going to have a problem,”. City officials have set up traps for the alligators, not to kill them; but to place radio collars so that they can be tracked.


"News". Gator warnings go up at Lake Worth. WFAA. WebMay 27, 2010.


"News" Gators Gone Wild in North Texas Lake. NBCDFW. Web. May 27, 2010

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


According to the The Handbook of Texas Online, In 1914 the city of Fort Worth Began building the first manmade reservoir in Texas. The reservoir was to be used by the city of Fort Worth as municipial water supply, a reservoir of course, but also as a recreational lake for the public.It was completed in 1916 after the Dam was constructed, connecting the lake to the west fork of the Trinity River.

In the history of Friends of the Fort Worth Nature center,The Fort Worth Audubon Society began to look for a location for a Sanctuary for assurance of the survival of our wildlife in the early 60's. 1967 the city of Fort Worth Steps in and helps fund the Nature Center project.  In the 1980s the U.S department of interiors declared the northern part and 3621 acres as a National Natural Landmark. The Government began protecting the wildlife.

"City News." Fort Worth Flashback: Lake Worth Was Built to Provide Drinking Water, Recreation. City of Fort Worth, June-July 2011. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <>

"History." Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge. Friends of Fort Worth Nature Center, n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. <>.

"Lake Worth" The Handbook of Texas Online.N.D. web. 17 Oct 2012 .< >.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today is one of those days that is perfect. 76 degrees, medium sized cloud coverage, just the right amount of sunlight. Its time to take the family down to the lake. You never would of imagined that there would be a 11 foot alligator tanning in your favorite spot.

I  have chosen to research the alligators in Lake Worth, because I actually live in Lake Worth and I find it interesting to find such a large reptile so near me. I dont really believe that there are alligators in the lake, that I have so many times jumped right in to enjoy a nice swim.
Is this urban legend real?

What I do know is, although it is legal to hunt alligators within the season and with a license. it is illegal here in Lake Worth lake. The lake actually belongs to the city of Fort Worth and the city claims that the lake may belong to the city but the water does not.

Martinez. Lake Worth Docks. 10/12/12.  Photo.